Debbie is expanding her training and education in the art of energy healing as well as in animal communication, and not currently offering energy healing sessions. Please check back or click here to receive email updates.
A Brief Backstory
Debbie began exploring the concept that everything is energy and the art of energy healing in 2009. She started offering energy healing to animals as well as physical spaces in 2014. When her goals in offering energy healing began to shift, she explored expanding her training and education in energy healing as well as in animal communication.
It’s an honor to be able to help all beings benefit from energy healing. While animals that have been through traumas will definitely experience positive change – such as those adopted from a shelter or rescue organization who have been through lots of changes or had been in abusive situations – So will those that seem unhappy, have had a change in behavior, are “acting weird” or have had changes in their life, such as a move to a new home, an animal or human family member move out or pass away, or a new animal or human addition to the family or household.
Debbie’s Other Ventures & Offerings & are free websites resources to help lost cats & dogs in & around Ventura County, CA be reunited with their humans. is a project to raise money to donate, and increase donations directly, to Ventura County Animal Shelters.
Debbie is also Chief Webb Weaver, Webb Weavers Consulting.