This little chihuahua/beagle mix is now approximately 14 years old. His mom adopted him 3 years ago from a shelter where he’d been for over a month. His former owner had passed away and nobody in the family wanted to take him in, so they turned him over to the shelter.
Solito’s mom contacted me about energy healing for Solito because while he had been a subdued and somewhat insecure dog ever since she adopted him, he had become even more so after their recent move. One example of this is how he would follow his mom around the house, getting up and going with her from room to room, always wanting to be in the same room as her.
Solito received 3 healings back to back, with 21 days in between for the healing to integrate and flow through his chakra system 3 times. The focus of his sessions was on him feeling confident and secure as well as on letting him know that he is loved, safe, and will be well-cared for the rest of his life.
The healings were given remotely in the evening, with Solito settled into his bed for sleep. His mom let me know that during the first session Solito slept like usual, not dreaming or moving in his bed, and during the coming three weeks she didn’t see any discernible changes in his behavior. The remarkable thing about energy healing is that it goes to where it’s needed and is working in the body even if we don’t notice any changes – and actually subtle changes are much easier to assimilate than sudden big changes.
During the first 15 minutes of his second healing session, his mom told me that Solito was lying quietly with his ears perked up and kept blinking his eyes, then he dozed off. Later he let out a big sigh before going to sleep – he did this soon after the session was completed. The next morning he stayed in his bed longer, not coming into the bathroom right away while his mom got ready in the morning. And during the next 3 weeks, he often waited in his bed longer in the morning and seemed more relaxed in the evening when she came home from work.
During his third healing session when I was on the throat chakra, I felt prompted to encourage Solito to find his voice; to let him know it’s ok for him to bark when appropriate. When I checked in with his mom the next day, she told me that about 15 minutes into the session he let out a little yelp, then was dreaming about 15 minutes after that, then was quiet. Around 20 minutes later he did a heavy sigh, then was fast asleep. When I told her that the timing of his yelp was when I was on the throat chakra and that I’d felt prompted to encourage him to find his voice, she replied that she’d heard him bark only 6-8 times in the 3 years she’s had him (wow!) She let also let me know that the next morning he woke up a very happy dog, in a really good mood.
I am so glad that Solito’s human contacted me. I am honored to have been able to hold space for healing energy to flow to Solito. I’ll be checking back on Solito after the third healing has completed flowing through his chakra system and I’m looking forward to posting an update on how he is doing.